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In Canada, viral infections are synonymous with fall and winter. Colds, influenza, bronchitis and pneumonia are the usual culprits. However, we now have COVID-19 variants and RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus) to worry about. Most of these viruses spread through droplets made when an infected person sneezes or coughs. When the weather gets cold, populations tend to gather indoors, and viral infections peak. Unsurprisingly, curbing virus spread at workplaces is a critical matter because staff absenteeism affects productivity and profits.
Preventing Virus Spread
An important lesson we all learned during the pandemic is how prevention is the best defence against virus spread. Practicing good personal hygiene and adopting preventative measures creates a healthier environment for everyone. Here are a few examples:
Vaccines prevent viral infections. The effectiveness of both the flu and COVID-19 vaccines can vary. It depends on the match between circulating strains and the vaccine formula. However, evidence shows that even an imperfect vaccine match has value. It offers the best means to reduce severe illnesses and health complications that follow. In Ontario, both flu and COVID shots are readily available at your family doctor’s office and pharmacies. Also, many large organizations plan on-site vaccine clinics to ensure their staff receive them easily.
Air Filters and Purifiers
Technology improvements since the Pandemic has given rise to air filtration and purifying systems that claim to curb virus spread. These products filter pollutants out of the air that passes through, reducing airborne contaminants. To effectively remove viruses from the air, the filtration system should be able to remove small airborne particles in the range of 0.1 to 1 um. Regardless, public health units recommend using air purification systems in conjunction with other preventative measures, because no method on its own sufficiently prevents viral transmission, particularly indoors and in close contact interactions common in offices and workplaces.
Masking and Personal Space
People can spread viruses even when they are asymptomatic. Masks block respiratory droplets from freely entering the air and also act as sound barriers to inhaling them. Additionally, maintaining a safe personal distance from others minimizes the chance of inhaling droplets from those infected. When virus spread peaks in the cooler months, adapting these measures can reduce superspreader events from occurring at workplaces.
Clean Hands
People tend to touch their eyes, noses and mouths frequently, without even thinking about it. A contaminated hand offers an easy pathway for viruses to enter our bodies. That’s why washing hands or using hand sanitizers can help curb virus spread and infections. Recommended guidelines include lathering hands with soap and scrubbing them for at least 20 seconds, ensuring you clean both the front and back of your hands, and in between the fingers. Follow this with a rinse under running water and drying them thoroughly. When you cannot wash your hands, use hand sanitizers with at least 60% alcohol.
Office Cleaning
When the global pandemic began in 2020, commercial workplaces transitioned their cleaning focus from daily trash removal to sanitizing, cleaning and disinfecting to protect employee health and well-being. In conjunction, we began updating our standard operating procedures to align with public health guidelines. Today, we have trained our entire team of professional cleaners about the importance of keeping a workplace clean, sanitized and disinfected.
Cleaning, Sanitizing & Disinfecting
Cleaning includes dusting, sweeping, vacuuming and mopping to remove grime and dirt, and to prepare surfaces for sanitizing and disinfecting. Sanitizing with a weak bleach solution or equivalent neutralizes bacteria, but viruses can only be killed with proper disinfection. Consequently, our staff will properly clean and disinfect high-touch surfaces door handles, light switches, railings, photocopier keys, and more. Paying attention to these small details is part of the normal care we bring to any commercial cleaning task.
Employees Involvement
Keeping your employees aware of personal hygiene, as noted above, can help curb virus spread in the office. Colourful signage in high-traffic areas can help everyone take responsibility for keeping their personal workspace clean and disinfected. Cleaning their mouse, stapler, tape dispenser, arms of their chair and desktop surfaces with disinfecting wipes at least once a day helps to make your entire workplace healthy for everyone.
Common Areas
We train our cleaners to pay extra attention when cleaning common areas that receive high traffic like the reception, conference rooms and breakrooms. In addition to regular cleaning, sanitizing and disinfecting, we ensure surfaces and floors are free of food crumbs to prevent problematic pest control problems in the future.
Commonly, office washrooms should be cleaned daily, along with disinfection of high-touch surfaces. In large and busy organizations, like a retail warehouse, we recommend day cleaning services to ensure the washrooms are cleaned several times during the day.
More importantly, our cleaning staff will properly stock your washrooms with soap, bathroom tissue and other supplies to ensure your staff can maintain their personal hygiene.
Contact an Expert
If you are looking to step up efforts to curb virus spread in your workplace, contact us and speak with an expert. We have provided affordable commercial cleaning services to a variety of businesses for over three decades. They include offices, industrial manufacturing facilities, distribution & warehouse centres, automotive plants, pharmaceutical establishments, schools, daycares, and more. Our services include window, floor and carpet cleaning, repairs and maintenance, and specialty cleaning services like industrial-strength degreasing and disinfecting.
We use eco-friendly products and supplies that are EcoLogo or Green Seal-certified, with cleaning techniques that keep our workers and yours safe. A clean work environment isn’t just about a fresh and sparkling workplace. It’s also about the well-being of your workers, reducing sick-building syndrome and employee absenteeism. We use eco-friendly products and supplies that are EcoLogo or Green Seal-certified, with cleaning techniques that keep our clients and our workers safe.